Providing men and women with equal opportunities shouldn’t even be regarded as a question in this current age. After all, it’s 2021; we certainly aren’t living like we were in the 1950s anymore. It’s safe to say that the majority of men and women would overwhelmingly agree that women deserve an equalized playing field — …
An All-Female Spacewalk Finally Happened
It’s been just over 50 years since Neil Armstrong first landed on the moon. He said the famous phrase, “That’s one small step for man. One giant leap for mankind.” That’s a fine sentiment, but as always, the rhetoric inherently showed patriarchal intentions that continue to this day. While this moment in space exploration was …
What to Know About The Global Girls’ Bill of Rights
There is no denial that the youth of today is more politically aware and active than ever. It used to be that children were expected to sit back and enjoy life, but that is not a luxury even our kids can afford anymore. We are facing a paradigm shift, and once these kids are in …
Is The Term Feminist The New “F” Word?
I decided to take a “Women Gender Studies” course in my sophomore year of college. My instructor asked the class as a whole how many of us considered ourselves a feminist. As you may have guessed, not many of us raised our hands. However, when the professor raised the question if men and women should …
Feminism: Empowering Words That Will Inspire You
A lot of people hear the word “feminism” and think it means that women are trying to place themselves over men. At least, that is how the patriarchy positions it. This narrative discourages more of us from openly declaring ourselves feminists. The patriarchy has it all wrong; feminists simply fight for individual equality on behalf …
Taylor Swift Calls Out Patriarchal Standards in “The Man”
If you have not seen this new music video for the song “The Man”, it’s a must-watch. Taylor Swift created this powerful video which calls out sexist patriarchal standards and the fact that women have to try incredibly hard while acting docile while men get congratulated for the bare minimum. Among other things, it addresses …