Showing: 90 RESULTS
Blog Tech

The Reality of Women in Tech

There are some challenges and struggles that women face working in tech. Women experience gender inequality, not fitting in to male-dominated roles, and lack of understanding. This article provides the opportunity to dive into what working in tech is like for women, the types of jobs, specific women working in tech, and much more. As …


Ways Men Can Empower Women In The Workplace

For decades, men have dominated the workforce while women were expected to take care of the children, clean the house, and cook meals. Society has now evolved to include women as a necessary part of the workplace. Although major strides have been made, there is still plenty of room for improvement. Women continue to be …

Blog Entertainment

Anatomy of a Chick Flick

The Messages Rom-Coms Are Giving Young Impressionable Women The term “chick flick” often comes with a negative connotation. They’re often considered vapid, shallow cash grabs that aren’t going to win any awards. The fact that these films are mostly marketed towards the female audience says a lot about how our society views women. The majority …


The Male Gaze Vs. The Female Gaze

What The Male Gaze Is The male gaze is defined as the sexual politics behind the manner in which men look at women and suggests that men look at women to sexually objectify them. It is also the idea that women are visually positioned to be the object of heterosexual male desire. To understand the …


What Makes You An Empowered Woman?

Being an empowered woman has different meanings for everyone, but almost everyone can agree that a few certain characteristics make you an empowered woman. Having confidence to make your own choices, taking care of yourself in every sense, and continuing to learn and grow is just a few of these characteristics. What do you want …


What are the Obstacles that Female Writers Face?

Female writers, like many women in various professions, face a range of obstacles and challenges that can impact their careers and experiences. Some of these obstacles include: Despite these obstacles, many female writers continue to overcome challenges and create impactful and influential work. The literary landscape is evolving, with increasing recognition of the need for …


What is the Male Gaze?

The “male gaze” is a concept coined by feminist film theorist Laura Mulvey in her influential essay “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema” (1975). The term refers to the way in which visual media, particularly film and art, tend to depict the world and its characters from a heterosexual male perspective, emphasizing the objectification of women …


How To Tell If A Man Is Mature

We’ve all heard men say that a woman is too mature for them, but do they mean in age or mentality? Surprisingly, some men will openly admit to dating younger women because for some, mature means older in age. Mature even has a negative connotation most of the time. Some people opt for the statement …


Girlhood And Life After Disney

Girl Power Disney Channel, the popular kids’ network, is home to the most popular shows for kids and tweens. The programs deal with kids in middle and high school navigating the challenges that come with their teenage years such as dating, peer pressure, secrets, and friendships while also dealing with magical elements like having the …