In a world that praises productivity above all else, women are expected to juggle careers, family, friendships, activism, and self-care—all while being told that they aren’t doing enough. Feminism has long fought for women’s right to work, to lead, to earn equal pay. But there’s another battle we need to fight: the right to rest. …
We are passionate about empowering young women to follow their dreams and uplift one another. Our readers are a community of strong, encouraging, and inspirational women who are searching for content that is motivational and helpful in their everyday life.
Empowered Women is the flagship column of Liz Fe Lifestyle and the driving force behind this blog. We’re passionate about empowering women to empower other women. Our articles cover influential women in every industry that are doing more to help other young women through their philanthropy and their business ventures. There is no end to the number of women who have paved the way for future generations of young women to have options in life. They have encouraged further empowerment and have inspired other women to join the fight for equality in our modern world.
Inspirational figures like Rihanna, Cathay Williams, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Shirley Chisholm have built careers empowering women to pursue their dreams. Liz Fe Lifestyle seeks to highlight those efforts and make sure historical figures like these don’t go unnoticed. There’s nothing stopping each and every woman from making a difference in the lives of other young women. And there’s nothing stopping you from pursuing your dreams. Empowered women empower women.
Empowered women is a column built on the premise of creating content that inspires and spreads awareness of efforts made to further women empowerment. We strive to bring content that not only makes you aware of what other women are doing but that also inspires you to go out and pursue your own dream. No matter where you are in life, you have the capacity to be the kind of role model other young women need and look up to. You have no idea who you will inspire next.
How “The Devil Wears Prada” Teaches Self-Respect
Since the majority of people have been stuck in their homes for the past several months or more, it’s no surprise that we’ve all been rewatching some of the greatest movies of all time. One of those movies being The Devil Wears Prada. This 2006 classic follows a young female journalist, Andy, as she tries …
The Reality of Women in Tech
There are some challenges and struggles that women face working in tech. Women experience gender inequality, not fitting in to male-dominated roles, and lack of understanding. This article provides the opportunity to dive into what working in tech is like for women, the types of jobs, specific women working in tech, and much more. As …
Susanna M. Salter: The First Woman To Run For Office
Women being recognized in history doesn’t happen as often as it should. For instance, does the name Susanna M. Salter ring a bell? Well, if not, you’re probably not the only one who has never heard of her before. Or, you may have heard of her before, but you never spent a lot of time …
Daisy Ridley: The Woman Behind The Star Wars Character
Daisy Ridley plays one of the lead female characters of the most recent Star Wars movies. If you have ever seen the Star Wars sequel trilogy: The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, and The Rise of Skywalker, then you are probably familiar with her and her work. As the daughter of a Star Wars fan, …
Victim Blaming: Don’t Blame It On Cinderella
Since the debut of the film Cinderella in 1950, it has slowly decreased in popularity and interest over the years. Today, women are even so bold to condemn it as a non-feminist film for its portrayal of women. One woman even went so far as to write a children’s book titled “I Hate Cinderella”. Hate …
Recognizing Zitkala Sa For Her 145 Years Of Greatness
Zitkala Sa is one American hero who deserves to be recognized. Every now and then, we have to look back across history to see how we as a country or even a world have come. When we do look back, we often remember wars, tragedies, and people. Though wars and other tragedies are unfortunate, people …
Ways Men Can Empower Women In The Workplace
For decades, men have dominated the workforce while women were expected to take care of the children, clean the house, and cook meals. Society has now evolved to include women as a necessary part of the workplace. Although major strides have been made, there is still plenty of room for improvement. Women continue to be …
Malcolm And Marie: How Zendaya Made Sure Her Film Crew Got Paid
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you probably know very well who Zendaya Coleman is. She has become a household name as common as Oprah. The former Disney star has blossomed into a talented young woman beloved by all. Her work in shows like Euphoria, reveals how easily she can go from impersonating a …
Dr. Hadiyah-Nicole Green: A Black Woman At the Forefront of Cancer Treatment
One Woman’s Use of Nanoparticles May Be the Key to Curing Cancer. Throughout the course of history, the human race has been subjected to various plagues, viruses, chronic illnesses, and physical deficiencies. These illnesses often resulted mass graves, city-wide quarantines, and health scares that sent the public into mass hysteria. Luckily for us, modern medicine …
The Importance Of Black Girl Sunscreen
One Woman Paves the Way for Dark Skin Sun Care Many people don’t realize the role our skin plays in protecting us every day. The cells within our skin make up one the body’s most important defense systems. It is the largest organ our body has, woven together from miles and miles of cells, comprised …
Anatomy of a Chick Flick
The Messages Rom-Coms Are Giving Young Impressionable Women The term “chick flick” often comes with a negative connotation. They’re often considered vapid, shallow cash grabs that aren’t going to win any awards. The fact that these films are mostly marketed towards the female audience says a lot about how our society views women. The majority …
The Male Gaze Vs. The Female Gaze
What The Male Gaze Is The male gaze is defined as the sexual politics behind the manner in which men look at women and suggests that men look at women to sexually objectify them. It is also the idea that women are visually positioned to be the object of heterosexual male desire. To understand the …
What Makes You An Empowered Woman?
Being an empowered woman has different meanings for everyone, but almost everyone can agree that a few certain characteristics make you an empowered woman. Having confidence to make your own choices, taking care of yourself in every sense, and continuing to learn and grow is just a few of these characteristics. What do you want …
What Are the 34 Symptoms of Menopause? Here’s How to Recognize Them and Find Relief
If there’s one thing to know about menopause, it’s that it can be different for every person who experiences it. Some women may not have any symptoms, while others have symptoms severe enough to disrupt their daily quality of life. “The journey through perimenopause is never the same for two people,” says Flow Advisor and OB-GYN Jessica …
What are the Obstacles that Female Writers Face?
Female writers, like many women in various professions, face a range of obstacles and challenges that can impact their careers and experiences. Some of these obstacles include: Despite these obstacles, many female writers continue to overcome challenges and create impactful and influential work. The literary landscape is evolving, with increasing recognition of the need for …
What is the Male Gaze?
The “male gaze” is a concept coined by feminist film theorist Laura Mulvey in her influential essay “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema” (1975). The term refers to the way in which visual media, particularly film and art, tend to depict the world and its characters from a heterosexual male perspective, emphasizing the objectification of women …
How To Tell If A Man Is Mature
We’ve all heard men say that a woman is too mature for them, but do they mean in age or mentality? Surprisingly, some men will openly admit to dating younger women because for some, mature means older in age. Mature even has a negative connotation most of the time. Some people opt for the statement …
5 Self Defense Moves Every Woman Should Know
Women have to follow a whole different set of rules than men do when it comes to their safety. We are constantly warned never to walk outside alone at night and to travel in pairs. One of the most common items gifted to female students about to enter their college years is a bottle of …
Girlhood And Life After Disney
Girl Power Disney Channel, the popular kids’ network, is home to the most popular shows for kids and tweens. The programs deal with kids in middle and high school navigating the challenges that come with their teenage years such as dating, peer pressure, secrets, and friendships while also dealing with magical elements like having the …