Justin Bieber recently released his new collaboration. It’s a song called “Intentions” that Bieber performs with Quavo from the hip hop group Migos. But their song is much more powerful than your everyday Justin Bieber tune:

“Intentions” jumpstarted a massive influx of donations towards Alexandria House in Los Angeles, a homeless women’s shelter. This shelter helps women who are in crisis situations and tries to give them a sense of stability.

Three Women With Different Stories

Three unique women from Alexandria’s House star in the video for Bieber’s new song. Each come from differently disadvantaged pasts. But they are making their way in the world. These women are giving back to their families and spreading awareness both in and outside of their community.

Bieber’s intentions with his music video and song are well-said by the following verse from his song:

“Already passed, you don’t need no approval / Good everywhere, don’t worry ’bout no refusal/ Second to none, you got the upper hand now /Don’t need a sponsor, no, you’re the brand now.”

Bahri’s Intentions

Out of the three women that Bieber’s video follows, Bahri is the first one introduced. Born in Saudi Arabia, her mother worked hard so that her children could have a new life in the United States.

While her mom had no education, Bahri’s mother takes the education of her children seriously. Bahri’s goal is to be the first person in her family to go through and graduate college. And she spends extreme amounts of time on public transport each day just to make it to class.

In the video, Justin Bieber purchases Bahri a car so that she will never need to spend 4-6 hours a day commuting to class on public transport.

Marcy’s Intentions

Marcy grew up in the foster care system and became a young mother at 19. She dared to leave an abusive relationship to create a safer life for herself and her children. Often, her family had to live in their car or hotel rooms because they didn’t have a home.

Marcy wants to empower youth within the foster system by helping to improve their conditions. And she wants to help them advocate for their rights within the system.

Angela’s Intentions

Angela is a poet who moved to Los Angeles in pursuit of art. However, this led to her experiencing homelessness. The threat of this still remains for her children.

Along Skid Row, she gained inspiration from its inhabitants. Her mission is now to spread awareness. She tells stories of homeless women and children through her poetry.

To help her spread her message, Bieber books Angela time at a recording studio. This way, Angela can work so that her art reaches more people than it otherwise would.

Spreading Awareness

Bieber’s video draws attention to situations that exist in the world that, unfortunately, many people ignore. Because of this, he spreads information to everyone who would otherwise be unaware of causes that deserve the world’s attention.

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His video sparks conscientiousness and raises funds to make the world a bit better for these wonderful women in Los Angeles. This heartwarming call to action activates the inner altruist in all of us. And that is what this world needs more of.

Donate to the Cause

With Bieber’s call to action, more and more people have been donating to this good cause. You can also donate to Alexandria House through this link that is also in the description box below Bieber’s official music video.

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