When do you think of an empowered woman? What first comes to mind? Perhaps someone who is confident in themselves and their cause. Someone who is dedicated to achieving their goals no matter who stands in their way. A woman who values herself over others and loves herself wholeheartedly. If that is the kind of …
We are passionate about empowering young women to follow their dreams and uplift one another. Our readers are a community of strong, encouraging, and inspirational women who are searching for content that is motivational and helpful in their everyday life.
Empowered Women is the flagship column of Liz Fe Lifestyle and the driving force behind this blog. We’re passionate about empowering women to empower other women. Our articles cover influential women in every industry that are doing more to help other young women through their philanthropy and their business ventures. There is no end to the number of women who have paved the way for future generations of young women to have options in life. They have encouraged further empowerment and have inspired other women to join the fight for equality in our modern world.
Inspirational figures like Rihanna, Cathay Williams, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Shirley Chisholm have built careers empowering women to pursue their dreams. Liz Fe Lifestyle seeks to highlight those efforts and make sure historical figures like these don’t go unnoticed. There’s nothing stopping each and every woman from making a difference in the lives of other young women. And there’s nothing stopping you from pursuing your dreams. Empowered women empower women.
Empowered women is a column built on the premise of creating content that inspires and spreads awareness of efforts made to further women empowerment. We strive to bring content that not only makes you aware of what other women are doing but that also inspires you to go out and pursue your own dream. No matter where you are in life, you have the capacity to be the kind of role model other young women need and look up to. You have no idea who you will inspire next.
The Invisibility of the Average Black Woman
An everyday struggle of Black women is being ignored by society and feeling invisible. There is an idea ingrained into society that Black women have to have features and personalities that are not assigned to “typical” Black women for them to be considered interesting and desirable to the rest of the world. Black women do …
Book Review: The Secret of Becoming Mentally Strong
Our personal health is of the utmost importance. In today’s day and age, we are constantly bombarded with new exercises to try, new diets to try, and ways to “better ourselves” all around, whether it be from social media, television, or even our own doctors. While nobody can seem to stop talking about our bodies …
Book Review: Is the Term Feminism the New “F” Word?
Providing men and women with equal opportunities shouldn’t even be regarded as a question in this current age. After all, it’s 2021; we certainly aren’t living like we were in the 1950s anymore. It’s safe to say that the majority of men and women would overwhelmingly agree that women deserve an equalized playing field — …
Recognize Female First Responders Every 9/11
What would you do if someone told you that you couldn’t follow your dreams or join a profession just because you’re a woman? Hopefully, most of us today would band together and stand up to such injustice. Be sure to remember to recognize female first responders every 9/11. But that wasn’t always easy to do. And …
What Makes You an Empowered Woman?
When we visualize empowered women we imagine a woman walking down the street or into a meeting with her head held high, shoulders straight and back, dressed for success, and confidence in her every step. Nothing can shake her. But what is it really about her that we admire and envy? The definition of an …
Empowered Woman Rukmini Das Bakes Cakes For BLM
We should never overlook how anyone can make a difference. There is so much fear and injustice in the world, and although that is horrifying, the model citizen can and will always stand up. Houston baker Rukmini Das was initially baking more as a hobby, but she took the initiative with it when the George …
Cleveland Browns Breaks NFL Glass Ceiling
Female coaches are making history. For the first time in history, women coached both participating teams and also officiated the Cleveland Browns NFL match against the Washington Football Team (which is their tentative name, as they have yet to decide on a replacement). This is a significant stride in the NFL and for our country …
Breonna Taylor: Why We Need to Empower Black Women
By now everyone should know the name: Breonna Taylor. Breonna Taylor was a Black medical worker who Louisville police officers shot after raiding her apartment. Here’s why we need to empower Black women. Only one of the three officers that entered and shot at her got any repercussion. And his punishment was absolutely not equal to …
Jeanette Epps: First Female American Astronaut in Space
In 2018, Jeanette Epps was taken off of a Russian spacecraft that would’ve made her the first woman to go into space for an extended time. But now, she’s going into space on Boeing’s new CST-100 Starliner is going to become the first woman to join the International Space Station Crew (The Starliner is a …
Notorious RBG Trailblazing Women Empowerment
September 18th 2020, one of the most notable advocates for women’s rights and gender equality in the Supreme Court passed at age 87 from pancreatic cancer. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, after Sandra Day O’Conner, was the second woman with a presence on the U.S. Supreme Court. Notorious RBG trailblazing women empowerment in a continually sexist climate is …
The Problem with the Male Gaze
Anytime a female actress is on screen, more importance and attention is given to her physical features rather than her actual personality. From films to televisions shows to music videos, any form of entertainment focuses quite a bit on what a woman looks like rather than how she is. What creators and perpetrators of the …
Hollywood’s Most Influential Female Celebrities
Obviously in some ways, everything has changed in 100 years. But in some other ways, not much has changed at all. One example of the latter is that of the female celebrity. We love them now just like we did in the 1910s. And we’re here to prove it. Hollywood is the premier movie industry …
Top 10 Most Influential Black Women in the 2010s
One central tenet here at Liz Fe Lifestyle is to recognize significant people in the history of the African diaspora. So we’ve created a list of the top 10 most influential black women in the 2010s. These wonderful women have influenced, inspired, and improved the world with their brilliance. We consider it highly important to …
Neerja Bhanot Saved Lives in Airplane Hijacking
Neerja Bhanot saved lives. It’s not a name that many people know, but it belongs to one of the bravest and most selfless women of the 20th century. Allow us to introduce you to the heroine who lost her life while protecting hundreds, as they escaped from a hijacked plane. This is the story of …
An All-Female Spacewalk Finally Happened
It’s been just over 50 years since Neil Armstrong first landed on the moon. He said the famous phrase, “That’s one small step for man. One giant leap for mankind.” That’s a fine sentiment, but as always, the rhetoric inherently showed patriarchal intentions that continue to this day. While this moment in space exploration was …
Rihanna’s Savage X Fenty Collection Supported Breast Cancer Survivors
Every October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. So in October 2020 Rihanna’s Savage X Fenty collection supported breast cancer survivors. Just when we thought we couldn’t love Rihanna more, the entrepreneurial queen of beauty, fashion, and music released a lingerie collection to raise awareness for young women diagnosed with aggressive forms of breast cancer. Savage …
What to Know About The Global Girls’ Bill of Rights
There is no denial that the youth of today is more politically aware and active than ever. It used to be that children were expected to sit back and enjoy life, but that is not a luxury even our kids can afford anymore. We are facing a paradigm shift, and once these kids are in …
Greta Thunberg and the Youth Climate Change Movement
Although great strides have been made in the last couple of years to combat the ever-looming presence of climate change, our society has only reached the tip of the melting iceberg. Our world is burning, eroding, and suffocating as a result of humankind’s abuse of its resources. We need massive change if we want to …
A Little Late with Lilly Singh Broke Glass Ceiling
From 2019 to 2021, YouTube sensation Lilly Singh broke the glass ceiling and made history with her late night talk show A Little Late With Lilly Singh. The series, while a bit short-lived, proved itself a massive success for intersectional representation, and for the future of unscripted variety programs. The 1:35 A.M. time slot was …