Showing: 19 RESULTS
Blog Tech

The Reality of Women in Tech

There are some challenges and struggles that women face working in tech. Women experience gender inequality, not fitting in to male-dominated roles, and lack of understanding. This article provides the opportunity to dive into what working in tech is like for women, the types of jobs, specific women working in tech, and much more. As …


Ways Men Can Empower Women In The Workplace

For decades, men have dominated the workforce while women were expected to take care of the children, clean the house, and cook meals. Society has now evolved to include women as a necessary part of the workplace. Although major strides have been made, there is still plenty of room for improvement. Women continue to be …


What Makes You an Empowered Woman?

When we visualize empowered women we imagine a woman walking down the street or into a meeting with her head held high, shoulders straight and back, dressed for success, and confidence in her every step. Nothing can shake her. But what is it really about her that we admire and envy? The definition of an …

Blog Entertainment

The Problem with the Male Gaze

Anytime a female actress is on screen, more importance and attention is given to her physical features rather than her actual personality. From films to televisions shows to music videos, any form of entertainment focuses quite a bit on what a woman looks like rather than how she is. What creators and perpetrators of the …

Blog Entertainment

An All-Female Spacewalk Finally Happened

It’s been just over 50 years since Neil Armstrong first landed on the moon. He said the famous phrase, “That’s one small step for man. One giant leap for mankind.” That’s a fine sentiment, but as always, the rhetoric inherently showed patriarchal intentions that continue to this day. While this moment in space exploration was …


Female Sexualization In Sports

Women everywhere have been sexualized pretty much ever since the beginning of time. It is present everywhere in society. Schools have strict dress codes for girls, stores sell revealing clothing targeted toward young girls, and even video games create female characters wearing provocative outfits. Women are constantly being pressured by society to look and act …

how to succeed as a female entrepreneur
Blog Money

How To Succeed As A Female Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship is already tough, even more so for women. There are many obstacles that women entrepreneurs face in this male-dominated world, such as struggling to be taken seriously, lack of funding, and low self-confidence. Society is not as discouraging toward the idea of women in the workforce as it used to be; however, female entrepreneurs …


Sheryl Sandberg: Keeping Women In The Workforce

Sheryl Sandberg is a renowned name in the realm of business, philanthropy, and most importantly–women empowerment in the workforce. She is known for breaking down barriers herself. Beyond this, though, Sheryl devotes a great deal of time towards writing and speaking about women leadership in their careers. In her Ted Talk, “Why We Have Too …