Showing: 26 RESULTS
Blog Entertainment

Anatomy of a Chick Flick

The Messages Rom-Coms Are Giving Young Impressionable Women The term “chick flick” often comes with a negative connotation. They’re often considered vapid, shallow cash grabs that aren’t going to win any awards. The fact that these films are mostly marketed towards the female audience says a lot about how our society views women. The majority …

Blog Entertainment

The Problem with the Male Gaze

Anytime a female actress is on screen, more importance and attention is given to her physical features rather than her actual personality. From films to televisions shows to music videos, any form of entertainment focuses quite a bit on what a woman looks like rather than how she is. What creators and perpetrators of the …

Blog Entertainment

An All-Female Spacewalk Finally Happened

It’s been just over 50 years since Neil Armstrong first landed on the moon. He said the famous phrase, “That’s one small step for man. One giant leap for mankind.” That’s a fine sentiment, but as always, the rhetoric inherently showed patriarchal intentions that continue to this day. While this moment in space exploration was …

Blog Entertainment Fashion

Rihanna’s Savage X Fenty Collection Supported Breast Cancer Survivors

Every October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. So in October 2020 Rihanna’s Savage X Fenty collection supported breast cancer survivors. Just when we thought we couldn’t love Rihanna more, the entrepreneurial queen of beauty, fashion, and music released a lingerie collection to raise awareness for young women diagnosed with aggressive forms of breast cancer. Savage …