It can get all too easy to see the world right now as a place where progress is slowing. And many of us struggle to see the way many powerful and amazing women are standing up for our rights and spreading empowering messages. Of course, you do not need to be famous to speak out against inequality and work towards a better future!
That said, these 5 empowered female celebrities are helping change the world by speaking out against misogyny and pay gaps. Check out these lovely women and the messages that they send out to help the world become a better place for all of us:
This trailblazer has been challenging the patriarchy for several decades. Now, she is a major feminist icon and an inspiration to all of us. Additionally, she forged a path for other contemporary artists such as Lady Gaga, pushing the boundaries on the roles that the patriarchy tries to cast women into. Moreover, Madonna’s cultural impact expands to the world as a whole. From early on in her career, sexism haunted her and as she grew older so did ageism.
“But I think the most controversial thing I have ever done is to stick around.”
Her influence empowers many people across the planet as we all follow her lead in demolishing the patriarchy! She is an amazing woman, standing against sexism, ageism, and creating a new narrative outside of the boxes that we are forced into.
Mindy Kaling
This Indian-American comedian has some words to say about how the world expects women to hate themselves. And she refuses to do it. She points out how many people feel uncomfortable with the fact that she is comfortable with herself. Working in the male-dominated comedy industry, she shines her light as a pillar of self-acceptance. She states that “For everyone, men and women, it’s important to be a feminist”.
Along with being a comedian, she is also an author, producer, and actor. She is always on overdrive and it seems like she definitely has more than 24 hours in the day. If she is not busy writing scripts and producing films and shows, then she is off writing books.
“You know, it’s so trite, but I love my job so much. I feel so lucky that it’s so easy to do all the time.”
Mindy Kaling
We can all take a page out of Mindy’s book and start loving ourselves and putting our well-being first today!
Angelina Jolie
There is so much more to this gorgeous Hollywood actress than just her beauty and acting skills. This beautiful actress, philanthropist, and mother of 6 does so much work with the United Nations to try and empower women throughout the world. In war-torn areas of the world, she lends a helping hand to help heal the struggles that too many of world’s women and children have to go through.
Jolie has been breaking stereotypes for years now. From adopting three children to working with various humanitarian organizations globally, she is changing the world one day at a time. Just a few years back, she used her diplomatic status to speak out against sexual violence in armed conflict.
“I understand there are many things that it is difficult for the Security Council to agree on, but sexual violence in conflict should not be one of them. That it is a crime to rape young children is not something anyone in this room would not be able to agree on”.
Angelina Jolie at the 2013 United Nations Security Council debate on sexual violence as a war weapon
In recognition of her philanthropic services with the United Nations, she earned the “Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award”. She is an absolutely fantastic person and actively works towards improving our world by empowering women!
Viola Davis
We all deserve equal pay. And besides there being a sexist pay gap in many industries, there is an additional racial pay gap that disadvantages some women more than others. Moreover, Viola Davis, a strong woman known for spreading empowering messages, won’t stand for this. Davis is quite the powerhouse with her Emmy and Oscar awards. But her journey to such stature has not been easy and still isn’t.
“I feel like my entire life has been a protest. My production company is my protest. Me not wearing a wig at the Oscars in 2012 was my protest. It is a part of my voice, just like introducing myself to you and saying, ‘Hello, my name is Viola Davis.’”
She speaks out, explaining that everyone deserves adequate compensation for what they bring to the table. People should never have to work harder due to their gender or race. And her platform is incredible. She calls out the patriarchy for not paying women equally. Similarly, different races should be paid the same as white counterparts.
Amandla Stenberg
This singer and The Hat You Give actress is exceptional. She explains and calls out cultural appropriation and heteronormativity. In 2015, she reached out with a YouTube video called “Don’t Cash Crop My Cornrows” telling how pop culture culturally appropriates black hairstyles.
In her video, Stenberg explains:
“Cultural appropriation occurs when a style leads to racist stereotypes […] But it’s deemed as high-fashion, cool, or funny when the privileged take it for themselves.”
She speaks out against the damaging cultural appropriation that occurs in our society. Furthermore, her speech raises awareness of the ways that people unconsciously disempower others. While she was most popularly known for her role as Rue in the Hunger Games series, she is now known as Starr Carter, the titular character of the book to film adaption of The Hate You Give.
In other words, we should all pay more attention to the real reasons behind norms. Then, we can take a look at how we can dismantle hatred and unequal power in the world.
“She is not bending to Hollywood’s standards but rather setting her own, and for that, not only will the film industry be better but the world will indeed be better.”
Angie Thomas, author of The Hate You Give
These lovely celebrities are just a few of the women who are helping the world move forward into equality by spreading empowering messages.
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